RSPCA Queensland pop up adoption - 18 March 2017 Another successful RSPCA QLD pop up adoption day at Black Lab Coffee! Thank you Lauren from Discuits for dogs, for continued contribution to these events. Plenty of money was raised and a...

RSPCA Queensland pop up adoption - 18 March 2017 Another successful RSPCA QLD pop up adoption day at Black Lab Coffee! Thank you Lauren from Discuits for dogs, for continued contribution to these events. Plenty of money was raised and a...
RSPCA QLD pop up adoption - 26 October 2016 The boss was very excited to do her bit to create some new happy families by hosting Black Lab Coffee's first RSPCA QLD pop up adoption on 26 October 2016. If you would like...
Labrador Rescue adoption awareness day: 18 April 2016 On 16 April 2016, Black Lab Coffee was pleased to host its first Labrador Rescue Adoption Awareness Day. If you would like to help the boss help her Labrador Rescue friends, please click here....